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See where you can meet us, what events are coming, read interviews with our experts and find out many other interesting topics.
News from the Siemens Mobility world
On the Siemens Mobility website, you will find not only information about the company's extensive portfolio but also examples of projects from various parts of the world, contracts from the Czech Republic, recordings of webinars that we have conducted, and much more.
Press news Siemens Mobility
You can find Siemens Mobility press releases in the Czech Republic in the Siemens press center under the transportation section.
Current events through Jana Fatková perspective
Jana Fatková from the HR department enthusiastically writes about current events not only at Siemens Mobility but also in the transportation industry in general on her LinkedIn. Which topics resonate on the network? We recommend following her profile.
Interview with Jiří Pohl from Siemens Mobility